A new way for organizations to understand and develop how effectively their teams can adapt to a rapidly changing future of work.


Adaptability is consistently ranked as the number one in-demand workplace skill. Yet most organizations lack a reliable way to evaluate adaptability, making it difficult to grow at scale.

The Adaptability Quotient (AQ) allows leaders to better understand and develop how effectively their teams can recover from setbacks, find new solutions and embrace change.

Watch a segment from the mini-documentary by Emmy-winning director, Nick Nanton. πŸ‘‰

Start with a Scientific Baseline

Created in collaboration with leading academic scientists, business leaders and psychologists, the Adaptability Quotient assessment is a patent-pending model of measuring individual and team adaptability. 

AQ measures 15 distinct abilities, characteristics, and environmental factors that impact the successful actions of people and organizations experiencing uncertainty, new information, and changed circumstances.

We are honoured to be among some of the first certified Canadian AQ Practitioners.

The Slowest Pace of Change You will ever experience for the rest of your life is happening right now.

-Dan Gilbert in The Adaptation Advantage (2020)


πŸ’‘ Identify the most impactful areas to improve employees’ abilities to navigate change
πŸ’ͺ Build teams that consistently recover from setbacks and grow through uncertainty
πŸ‘©πŸΎβ€πŸ’» Establish root cause and begin solving workplace well-being challenges
🌱 Develop human-centered pathways to innovation and employability
🧲 Retain and develop adaptable leaders to secure the future


Step 1

Employees create an AQ profile and complete their 30-minute AI-driven interactive assessment.

Step 2

Team members receive their initial scores on the 15 sub-dimensions of adaptability and skill-building resources inside the AQ platform. We analyze team data and present strategic insights to leadership.

Step 3

Live learning sessions for teams to: better understand the science of adaptability, their results, and where to focus to improve their AQ. Following this, we suggest targeted development opportunities linked to your AQ results and organizational priorities.