The Adaptiotic Table

The elements of adaptability.



How and to what degree do people adapt?


Grit: The ability to ‘stay the course’, to follow through when approaching important goals.

Mental Flexibility: The ability to accept, appreciate, and embrace competing demands or problems.

Mindset: The general outlook that change and adaptation will result in positive outcomes rather than negative ones

Resilience: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties & set-backs, or, in other words, the ability to ‘bounce back’.

Unlearn: The skill to unlearn and intentionality ‘let go of’ previous knowledge. To reassess based on new and old data.



Who adapts quickly and why?


Emotional Range: The extent to which people experience emotions because of situations in their environment.

Extraversion: How much a person seeks the company of others when experiencing change.

Hope: The mindset to pursue goals and the ability to see or create alternative ways to reach them if challenged.

Motivation Style: How employees motivate themselves and work towards important goals, when navigating change

Thinking Style: How we make sense of the world, how we view, categorize and process information in our work environment.



When does someone adapt and to what degree?


Company Support: The general perception employees have around the extent to which their organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being.

Emotional Health: The degree in which individuals are thriving at work, by experiencing positive moments while limiting the negative ones.

Team Support: The extent to which employees feel they can share knowledge, are supported through challenges, and feel they can openly discuss their opinion.

Work Environment: Does your organization facilitate and encourage self disruption, rapid experimentation, and regular adaption, or does it hamper them?

Work Stress: The sense of general overwork and overwhelm within your organization.